The article reviews and evaluates results from several recently published industry studies that evaluate the evolution of market power over long time horizons. Evaluated collectively, the studies point to technological advances as being a primary driver of changing markups, concentration, and prices. They also highlight the role of industry heterogeneity, as the specific implications of technological change for market outcomes have varied. The studies do not point to weak antitrust enforcement as being primarily responsible for rising market power.





Reading suggestions – December 2024

Here are the Network Law Review’s monthly reading suggestions: topics include Lina Khan's farewell, antitrust failures, AGI, the evolution of...

Antitrust Antidote: October-December 2024

Welcome to the Antitrust Antidote—a quarterly publication analyzing U.S. antitrust decisions from legal and economic perspectives. Authored by former Federal...

Reading suggestions – November 2024

Here are the Network Law Review’s monthly reading suggestions: topics include breaking up Big Tech, the evolution of market structure...

Reading suggestions – October 2024

Here are the Network Law Review’s monthly reading suggestions: topics include innovation competition, how IP stimulates online competition, empirical work...

From Theory to Practice: Computing ‘Innovation Competition’ in Antitrust

There is little consensus in the antitrust circles. Nonetheless, one of the fundamental points of agreement is that innovation fosters...

Axel Gautier: “Big Tech Acquisitions And The Ghost Products”

Dear readers, the Network Law Review is delighted to present you with this month’s guest article by Axel Gautier, Professor at...

How IP Rights Create Competition in E-commerce​

Welcome to “Tech Monopoly,” a series where University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School professor Herbert Hovenkamp engages with pressing issues...

Antitrust Antidote: June-September 2024

Welcome to the Antitrust Antidote—a quarterly publication analyzing U.S. antitrust decisions from legal and economic perspectives. Authored by former Federal...

Latin Antitrust Chronicles: July – September 2024

Welcome to the Latin Antitrust Chronicles – a series covering some of the most relevant developments in competition law in...

EU Competition Law

By Makis Komninos




Academics Only

Crane's Cartel

By Daniel Crane


By Catalina Goanta

Antitrust Antidote

By Koren W. Wong-Ervin