Please find below the links that I enjoyed during the month of October 2018. Mostly antitrust, but not limited to it. In no particular order: Quality considerations in digital zero-price markets (OECD) Pricing Algorithms (CMA) GAFA in China? (Wendy Ng & Caron Beaton-Wells) The Misguided Assault on the Consumer Welfare Standard in the Age of Platform Markets (D....Read More
Please find below the links that I enjoyed during the month September 2018. Mostly antitrust, but not limited to it. In no particular order: High Time for Rhyme and Reason (Philip Marsden) Requiem for a Paradox: The Dubious Rise and Inevitable Fall of Hipster Antitrust (Joshua D. Wright, Elyse Dorsey, Jan Rybnicek, Jonathan Klick) The Misguided Assault on...Read More
Dear all, I am very happy to announce that my first book is now available for sale. Entitled “Predatory innovation in antitrust law », it deals with predatory innovation (surprising, isn’t it ;), but also with competition on digital markets. In fact, this book is intended to all academics, lawyers, practitioners, judges, public authorities, business leaders...Read More
Regardless of which standard you want to apply to competition law – consumer welfare, total welfare, hipster or redneck antitrust – it’s never good when competition/antitrust agencies are undermining innovation. Yet, this is precisely what the European Commission is doing. Today, the agency announced a €4.34 billion fine against Alphabet (Google). It represents more than...Read More
On June 25, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down what may prove to be the single most important antitrust decision of this decade. For the laissez-faire crowd, Ohio v. American Express was a resounding victory. For those who favor antitrust oversight, it was an absolute disaster. Let’s break down the good, the bad, and the ugly...Read More
LINK TO DOWNLOAD THE ARTICLE Dear Friends, We often hear that the end is near, that we’re all going to die (Keynes / Steven Spielberg’s movie) and that technology (especially robots) is leading us to our end. But what if that were to be true, at least as far as competition law is concerned? Last Friday, I...Read More
Dear readers, Remember last summer March when I published conversations on antitrust/competition law that I’d had with three Nobel laureates… well, I do it again! I’ve questioned three other Nobel laureates – Michael Spence, Alvin Roth, and Robert Aumann – on some “hot topics” covering antitrust law, including merger control, cartels, the politicization of the law, behavioral economics, monopolization on...Read More
Here is the first article of a new series on Concurrentialiste Review in which I summarize books on antitrust law – not by writing an analysis myself, but by taking the “best” extracts from them. That way, you save time and I’m happy, everybody’s a winner! I start with Edwin Rockefeller’s The Antitrust Religion (2007). The author...Read More
Thibault Schrepel, founder of the Revue Concurrentialiste and Research Associate at the University Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne), has won the “Academic Excellence Award” last week which rewards “an academic competition specialist who has made an outstanding contribution to competition policy in 2017 ». What an amazing news! Congratulations!! ***** Academic Excellence Award winners: 2018: Thibault Schrepel (Paris 1...Read More
I am delighted to introduce three conversations on antitrust law I’ve had very recently with Nobel Prize laureates in Economics: Edward C. Prescott, Angus S. Deaton & Oliver D. Hart. I have interviewed them (and others, to be published in the coming months) to understand how useful their work could be to antitrust law. Given the rigor...Read More
Vote now for the GCR Awards 2018: category “Academic Excellence” Dear readers, It’s a great honor for me, I have just been nominated in the “Academic Excellence Awards” of GCR (along with some of the best academics). One of my articles on “predatory innovation” is quoted by the committee, which makes me very happy because...Read More
I am very pleased to announce that my latest article entitled ~ The “Enhanced No Economic Sense” Test: Experimenting With Predatory Innovation ~ is now available for download on SSRN. It will be published later this year at the NYU Journal of Intellectual Property and Entertainment Law. In this paper, I explain how to improve...Read More
A New Year I am very pleased to be joining Thibault Schrepel as a co-author of Le Concurrentialiste. Since we are interested in many of the same areas—particularly the intersection of technology, design, and antitrust—I do not foresee L.C.’s subject matter changing much. But we do bring different perspectives, experience, and expertise to the table,...Read More
It’s Christmas time, it’s time for a little humor (isn’t it?! no? really? oh comonn!). Yeah, innovation is overrated (…). Competition authorities should kill it, here are the ten forty commandments on how to process (on how they do… sometimes?). We don’t really know how innovation is created anyway, it emerges, it’s mysterious. But we do...Read More
Download our article freely: HERE I am very pleased to introduce a new paper entitled “The Democrats’ “Better Deal” is Neither Better Nor a Deal” that Dan Crane (Michigan Law) and I have co-wrote. As you probably know, in July 2017, U.S. Congressional Democratic leadership released a policy plank entitled “Better Deal” in which they proposed a...Read More