Pour (éventuellement) citer cette étude : Thibault Schrepel, Les fonds souverains de brevets : course à l’armement, Revue Concurrentialiste, Juin 2015 ************ Cet article est un résumé de celui paru au Journal of World Economics, « Towards a Global Patent Arms Race » (lien) La version originale est disponible via GenerationLibre (lien) ——— Télécharger la...Read More
The “Antitrust Letter” is a monthly series of articles written in french and english by founding member Thibault Schrepel. Each month’s release analyzes major changes within United States antitrust law and legal precedents, whilst contrasting and occasionally drawing parallels to European antitrust legal issues. “Antitrust Letter” est la chronique mensuelle du Concurrentialiste rédigée par Thibault Schrepel, l’un des...Read More
Cet article a été écrit et publié sur le site Internet de Jarod Bona, The Antitrust Attorney (lien) Sa traduction a été effectuée par Morgan Carbonnel créateur du Concurrentialiste The original english version of this article follows the french one. ———————— Le sujet des prix de revente imposés est l’un de ceux qui agitent le plus la doctrine et...Read More
The “Antitrust Letter” is a monthly series of articles written in french and english by founding member Thibault Schrepel. Each month’s release analyzes major changes within United States antitrust law and legal precedents, whilst contrasting and occasionally drawing parallels to European antitrust legal issues. “Antitrust Letter” est la chronique mensuelle du Concurrentialiste rédigée par Thibault Schrepel, l’un des...Read More
Download the article over here This article was written by Nathalie Boué, lawyer and professor at Temple University Beasley School of Law (Tokyo, Japan campus) and Sorbonne-Assas International Law School (Singapore campus). ABSTRACT (in english): The liberalization of the Chinese economy started in 1978 with the “Open Door Policy” initiated by Deng Xiaoping and lately accelerated...Read More
This article was written by Valentin Mircea (PhD in Antitrust Law). Valentin was a Board Member of the Romanian Competition Council and later on its Vice-President. He is now a senior partner at Mircea and Partners Law Firm in Bucharest. Valentin wrote several books and articles on the subject of antitrust law. ——————— Click here to download the PDF...Read More
The “Antitrust Letter” is a monthly series of articles written in french and english by founding member Thibault Schrepel. Each month’s release analyzes major changes within United States antitrust law and legal precedents, whilst contrasting and occasionally drawing parallels to European antitrust legal issues. “Antitrust Letter” est la chronique mensuelle du Concurrentialiste rédigée par Thibault Schrepel,...Read More
Le Concurrentialiste is happy to announce that it is joining the iLINC Strategic Network Partners team. What is it? iLINC is the European Network of Law Incubators. Its main objective is to facilitate the provision of free legal support to start-ups while, at the same time, offering postgraduate law students the opportunity to engage in...Read More
The “Antitrust Letter” is a monthly series of articles written in french and english by founding member Thibault Schrepel. Each month’s release analyzes major changes within United States antitrust law and legal precedents, whilst contrasting and occasionally drawing parallels to European antitrust legal issues. “Antitrust Letter” est la chronique mensuelle du Concurrentialiste rédigée par Thibault Schrepel,...Read More
Le Concurrentialiste is pleased to announce the publication of a new article by one of its creator, Thibault Schrepel, in the annual review of Queen Mary University of London, the Global Antitrust Review. Entitled «Friedrich Hayek’s Contribution to Antitrust Law and Its Modern Application,» this paper proposes to revisit the Nobel Prize’s thoughts for the purpose of improving our US and...Read More
Chers lecteurs, Je suis heureux de vous annoncer la publication d’un nouvel article à la Revue Lamy de la concurrence, numéro 1/2015 (janvier-mars). Intitulé “L’innovation de rupture : de nouveaux défis pour le droit de la concurrence », cet article se propose d’analyser l’aspect juridique d’une notion créée en 1997 par le Professeur Christensen de la Harvard...Read More
Antitrust Letter(s) – The Year 2014: click here (in french and english) Dear Readers, Le Concurrentialiste is pleased to offer you this article bringing together all of the Antitrust Letter(s) published during the year 2014. Compiled into a single document, this monthly series of articles written by Thibault Schrepel, one of Le Concurrentialiste’s creators, has been the opportunity to...Read More
The “Antitrust Letter” is a monthly series of articles written in french and english by founding member Thibault Schrepel. Each month’s release will analyze major changes within United States antitrust law and legal precedents, whilst contrasting and occasionally drawing parallels to European antitrust legal issues. “Antitrust Letter” est la chronique mensuelle du Concurrentialiste rédigée par Thibault...Read More
The “Antitrust Letter” is a monthly series of articles written in french and english by founding member Thibault Schrepel. Each month’s release will analyze major changes within United States antitrust law and legal precedents, whilst contrasting and occasionally drawing parallels to European antitrust legal issues. “Antitrust Letter” est la chronique mensuelle du Concurrentialiste rédigée par Thibault...Read More
The “Antitrust Letter” is a monthly series of articles written in french and english by founding member Thibault Schrepel. Each month’s release will analyze major changes within United States antitrust law and legal precedents, whilst contrasting and occasionally drawing parallels to European antitrust legal issues. “Antitrust Letter” est la chronique mensuelle du Concurrentialiste rédigée par Thibault...Read More