The “Antitrust Letter” is a monthly series of articles written in french and english by founding member Thibault Schrepel. Each month’s release will analyze major changes within United States antitrust law and legal precedents, whilst contrasting and occasionally drawing parallels to European antitrust legal issues. “Antitrust Letter” est la chronique mensuelle du Concurrentialiste rédigée par...Read More
Pour (éventuellement) citer cette étude : Thibault Schrepel, La procédure de règlement par transaction devant la Commission européenne, Revue Concurrentialiste, Avril 2014 ************ Le 2 avril 2014, la Commission européenne a sanctionné trois entreprises (une autre a bénéficié d’une clémence de premier rang) pour avoir coordonné les prix de la grenaille abrasive métallique. Il s’agit là...Read More
The “Antitrust Letter” is a monthly series of articles written in french and english by founding member Thibault Schrepel. Each month’s release will analyze major changes within United States antitrust law and legal precedents, whilst contrasting and occasionally drawing parallels to European antitrust legal issues. “Antitrust Letter” est la chronique mensuelle du Concurrentialiste rédigée par...Read More
To quote this study : Thibault Schrepel, “Disruptive innovation”: statistical comparison between cases and scholarly papers, Revue Concurrentialiste, March 2014 ************ This post is from our new series dedicated to statistical analyses of antitrust law. We called it: “Let’s Stat”. Methodology: We entered the keywords “disruptive innovation” and “antitrust” on the WestLawNext search engine. Comments:...Read More
To quote this study : Thibault Schrepel, The “interoperability” issue in U.S. antitrust scholar papers, Revue Concurrentialiste, February 2014 ************ This post is from our new series dedicated to statistical analyses of antitrust law. We called it: “Let’s Stat”. Methodology: We entered the keywords “antitrust” and “interoperability” on the WestLawNext search engine for secondary sources....Read More
The “Antitrust Letter” is a monthly series of articles written in french and english by founding member Thibault Schrepel. Each month’s release will analyze major changes within United States antitrust law and legal precedents, whilst contrasting and occasionally drawing parallels to European antitrust legal issues. “Antitrust Letter” est la chronique mensuelle du Concurrentialiste rédigée par...Read More
Pour (éventuellement) citer cette étude : Thibault Schrepel, The Microsoft case by the numbers: comparison between U.S. and E.U., Revue Concurrentialiste, February 2014 ************ This post is from our new series dedicated to statistical analyses of antitrust law. We called it: “Let’s Stat”.Read More
Pour (éventuellement) citer cette étude : Thibault Schrepel, “Reverse payment settlement”: statistical comparison between cases and research papers, Revue Concurrentialiste, February 2014 ************ This post is from our new series dedicated to statistical analyses of antitrust law. We called it: “Let’s Stat”. Methodology: We entered the keyword “Reverse payment settlement” on the Papers SSRN search...Read More
To quote this study : Thibault Schrepel, “FRAND”: statistical comparison between cases and research papers, Revue Concurrentialiste, January 2014 ************ This post stems from our new series dedicated to statistical analyses of antitrust law. We called it: “Let’s Stat”. Methodology: We entered the keyword “FRAND” on the Papers SSRN search engine, as well as on...Read More
Cet article est publié en partenariat avec The Antitrust Attorney. Il a été écrit par Jarod Bona. Jarod est avocat of counsel à DLA Piper, diplomé cum laude de la Harvard Law School en 2001. Pour plus d’informations sur Jarod, reportez-vous vers ces deux liens : lien #1 et lien #2. This paper is published in partnership with The Antitrust Attorney. It...Read More
To quote this study : Thibault Schrepel, “Patent troll”: statistical comparison between cases and research papers, Revue Concurrentialiste, January 2014 ************ This post introduces a new series dedicated to statistical analyses of antitrust law. We called it: “Let’s Stat”. Methodology: We entered the keywords “patent troll” on the Papers SSRN search engine, as well as...Read More
Chers lecteurs, Veuillez trouver une courte présentation du nouvel ouvrage de Madame le Professeur Marie Malaurie-Vignal, membre du Comité Scientifique du Concurrentialiste. ———— Deux années se sont écoulées entre la 5ème et la 6ème édition. Les réformes sont si nombreuses qu’elles ont justifié une refonte de l’ouvrage. Le constat fait par l’auteur, dans sa préface et tout au...Read More
The “Antitrust Letter” is a new monthly series of articles written in french and english by founding member Thibault Schrepel. Each month’s release will analyze major changes within United States antitrust law and legal precedents, whilst contrasting and occasionally drawing parallels to European antitrust legal issues. “Antitrust Letter” est la nouvelle chronique mensuelle du Concurrentialiste...Read More
The “Antitrust Letter” is a new monthly series of articles written in french and english by founding member Thibault Schrepel. Each month’s release will analyze major changes within United States antitrust law and legal precedents, whilst contrasting and occasionally drawing parallels to European antitrust legal issues. “Antitrust Letter” est la nouvelle chronique mensuelle du Concurrentialiste...Read More
The “Antitrust Letter” is a new monthly series of articles written in french and english by founding member Thibault Schrepel. Each month’s release will analyze major changes within United States antitrust law and legal precedents, whilst contrasting and occasionally drawing parallels to European antitrust legal issues. “Antitrust Letter” est la nouvelle chronique mensuelle du Concurrentialiste...Read More