
Thibault Schrepel

Law + Technology

An excerpt from “Law + Technology” you can download here. *** 1. Hypothesis Instead of the classical “law & technology” approach, this article proposes to adopt a “law + technology” approach to explore the synergies between law and technology. “Law + technology” is based on a simple postulate: technology and law can better increase the...
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Hello, Network Law Review!

I am thrilled to announce Le Concurrentialiste is becoming the Network Law Review. When I created Le Concurrentialiste back in April 2012, I was still a student in Paris. I remember walking down the streets of Le Marais, and thinking about the name of a new website I wanted to create. It took me 1...
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Reading suggestions – April 2022

Click here to order “Blockchain + Antitrust” *** This post features my latest reading suggestions based on the academic papers and press articles that I enjoyed reading in April 2022. As I tend to favor the active sharing of open-source publications, you can follow me on Twitter (@LeConcurrential) or LinkedIn (here) to access similar articles on a more regular basis. SUBSCRIBE TO THE...
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What to make of “business models eat law”

Codex Future Law 2022 conference has been fantastic in several respects. The world’s top experts in computational law gathered on the campus of Stanford University for several days to talk about computational contracts, contract elasticity, the metaverse, blockchain-based legal solutions, and more. Larry Lessig sat on a panel moderated by the great Harry Surden, shared...
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Reading suggestions – March 2022

Click here to order “Blockchain + Antitrust” *** This post features my latest reading suggestions based on the academic papers and press articles that I enjoyed reading in January 2022. As I tend to favor the active sharing of open-source publications, you can follow me on Twitter (@LeConcurrential) or LinkedIn (here) to access similar articles on a more regular basis. SUBSCRIBE TO THE...
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Tips to write a great master thesis (in law)

The below text has not been heavily edited. Take it as a transcript of the above video, not proper writing. *** Welcome. My objective with this video is to help you score a good grade for your master’s thesis or a final paper. I have about 30 tips for you. Now, sorry to disappoint you...
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Video: “The Future of Blockchain”

I am delighted to publish a 15-video series dedicated to my book, “Blockchain + Antitrust: The Decentralization formula”. You can access all the chapters over here, and all the video transcripts over here. *** Transcript: In this video, I’d like to talk about the blockchain future. Like Yogi Berra once said, prediction is hard, especially when it’s about...
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Video: “How to regulate blockchain”

I am delighted to publish a 15-video series dedicated to my book, “Blockchain + Antitrust: The Decentralization formula”. You can access all the chapters over here, and all the video transcripts over here. *** Transcript: In this video, I’d like to discuss several concrete proposals for regulating blockchain. First, let me emphasize that I do *not* assume that everything...
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Competition policy and antitrust law in Biden’s blockchain executive order

If you were still doubting the interaction between blockchain and antitrust is promising, Joe Biden just made it obvious. On March 9, 2022, President Biden released an executive order on “ensuring responsible development of digital assets.” There is a lot to be said about this order, which raises many good points. Biden strikes an interesting balance between underlining blockchain potential...
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An overview of blockchain-related litigation (USA – 2010 to 2021)

In April 2020, I published an article exploring the past decade of blockchain litigation (here). I have some updated numbers to share with you for the period 2010 to 2021 (included). Using WestLaw, I researched “advanced: (blockchain OR bitcoin OR cryptocurrency)” at the state and federal levels and came up with the following results: The amount of...
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Video: “Law + technology (blockchain + antitrust)”

I am delighted to publish a 15-video series dedicated to my book, “Blockchain + Antitrust: The Decentralization formula”. You can access all the chapters over here, and all the video transcripts over here. *** Transcript: In previous videos, I have explained why blockchain and antitrust should be combined. I showed that it creates synergies and ends up beneficiating...
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Video: “Blockchain and merger control”

I am delighted to publish a 15-video series dedicated to my book, “Blockchain + Antitrust: The Decentralization formula”. You can access all the chapters over here, and all the video transcripts over here. *** Transcript: In this video, I’d like to talk about different ways by which blockchain can merge, the challenges that it creates for antitrust law,...
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NEW ARTICLE: “Complexity-Minded Antitrust”

Nicolas Petit and I are delighted to present you with our newest article, “Complexity-Minded Antitrust”. Here is the abstract: Complexity science is widely used across the policy spectrum but not in antitrust. This is unfortunate. Complexity science enables a rich understanding of competition beyond the simplistic descriptions of markets and firms proposed by neoclassical models and...
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Video: “Blockchain and monopolization”

I am delighted to publish a 15-video series dedicated to my book, “Blockchain + Antitrust: The Decentralization formula”. You can access all the chapters over here, and all the video transcripts over here. *** Transcript: In this video, I’d like to answer two complementary questions: one, where do we see abuses of dominance within blockchain ecosystems, and two,...
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Algorithmic collusion in just one graphic

The OECD defines algorithmic collusion as the practice whereby firms use algorithms “as a facilitating factor for collusion” in order to “enable new forms of co-ordination that were not observed or even possible before.” I think that definition is too broad because it includes practices decided by humans. I’d rather define algorithmic collusion as the practice by which computers decide...
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