I am delighted to publish a 15-video series dedicated to my book, “Blockchain + Antitrust: The Decentralization formula”. You can access all the chapters over here, and all the video transcripts over here. *** Transcript: In this video, I’d like to talk about different ways by which blockchain can merge, the challenges that it creates for antitrust law,...Read More
Nicolas Petit and I are delighted to present you with our newest article, “Complexity-Minded Antitrust”. Here is the abstract: Complexity science is widely used across the policy spectrum but not in antitrust. This is unfortunate. Complexity science enables a rich understanding of competition beyond the simplistic descriptions of markets and firms proposed by neoclassical models and...Read More
I am delighted to publish a 15-video series dedicated to my book, “Blockchain + Antitrust: The Decentralization formula”. You can access all the chapters over here, and all the video transcripts over here. *** Transcript: In this video, I’d like to answer two complementary questions: one, where do we see abuses of dominance within blockchain ecosystems, and two,...Read More
The OECD defines algorithmic collusion as the practice whereby firms use algorithms “as a facilitating factor for collusion” in order to “enable new forms of co-ordination that were not observed or even possible before.” I think that definition is too broad because it includes practices decided by humans. I’d rather define algorithmic collusion as the practice by which computers decide...Read More
I am delighted to publish a 15-video series dedicated to my book, “Blockchain + Antitrust: The Decentralization formula”. You can access all the chapters over here, and all the video transcripts over here. *** Transcript: In this video, I’d like to address an issue that will become increasingly important over the next few years: what is blockchain power,...Read More
I am delighted to publish a 15-video series dedicated to my book, “Blockchain + Antitrust: The Decentralization formula”. You can access all the chapters over here, and all the video transcripts over here. *** Transcript: In this video, I’d like to discuss how companies could, and most certainly are, using blockchain to collude in the “real space”. To...Read More
I am delighted to publish a 15-video series dedicated to my book, “Blockchain + Antitrust: The Decentralization formula”. You can access all the chapters over here, and all the video transcripts over here. *** Transcript: In this video, I want to explain how blockchain can suffer from collusion, and what to do about it. First, let me take...Read More
I am delighted to publish a 15-video series dedicated to my book, “Blockchain + Antitrust: The Decentralization formula”. You can access all the chapters over here, and all the video transcripts over here. *** Transcript: In this video, I’d like to explain how we can create a legal fiction around blockchains, or, put differently, how to assign blockchain...Read More
I am delighted to publish a 15-video series dedicated to my book, “Blockchain + Antitrust: The Decentralization formula”. You can access all the chapters over here, and all the video transcripts over here. *** Transcript: In this video, I will be explaining Coase’s theory of the firm and why it does fit well with blockchains. But first, let...Read More
I am delighted to publish a 15-video series dedicated to my book, “Blockchain + Antitrust: The Decentralization formula”. You can access all the chapters over here, and all the video transcripts over here. *** Transcript: In this video, I’d like to address the paradox between antitrust law and blockchain. First, let me introduce antitrust law to you. This...Read More
I am delighted to publish a 15-video series dedicated to my book, “Blockchain + Antitrust: The Decentralization formula”. You can access all the chapters over here, and all the transcripts over here. *** Transcript: In this video, I’d like to discuss the meaning and implications of blockchain decentralization. Let me start outside blockchain with a definition: “decentralization” measures...Read More
Dear readers, I am delighted to announce that this month’s guest article is authored by Richard Epstein, Laurence A. Tisch Professor of Law at NYU, and Director of the Classical Liberal Institute. Richard argues that antitrust law shall not be extended to labor markets. I am confident that you will enjoy reading it as much as I did. Richard, thank...Read More
I am delighted to publish a 15-video series dedicated to my book, “Blockchain + Antitrust: The Decentralization formula”. You can access all the chapters over here, and all the transcripts over here. *** Transcript: In this video, I’d like to put blockchain in the context of evolutionary theory. The term evolution is often associated with Darwin. I will...Read More
I am delighted to publish a 15-video series dedicated to my book, “Blockchain + Antitrust: The Decentralization formula”. You can access all the chapters over here, and all the transcripts over here. *** Transcript: In this video, I’d like to tell you about what I call the “blockchain toolbox.” This toolbox addresses all you need to know about...Read More
I am delighted to publish a 15-video series dedicated to my book, “Blockchain + Antitrust: The Decentralization formula”. You can access all the chapters over here, and all the transcripts over here. *** Transcript: In this video, I’d like to address how blockchain came to life and show that it embodies the technical representation of a self-conscious...Read More