This overview highlights the Brazilian competition authority's investigations into issues related to human resources– CADE launched two new investigations in late 2024– as well as some of the key takeaways from the OECD’s Latin American and Caribbean Competition Forum–which covered fintech and open banking, the use of interim measures, and ex officio cartel investigations. Lastly,...Read More
Welcome to the Antitrust Antidote—a quarterly publication analyzing U.S. antitrust decisions from legal and economic perspectives. Authored by former Federal Trade Commission (FTC) enforcer Koren W. Wong-Ervin with former FTC economist co-authors Jeremy Sandford and Nathan Wilson, alternating each quarter. The title of this series, “Antitrust Antidote,” while mostly meant to be humorous (perhaps limited...Read More
Welcome to the Antitrust Antidote—a quarterly publication analyzing U.S. antitrust decisions from legal and economic perspectives. Authored by former Federal Trade Commission (FTC) enforcer Koren W. Wong-Ervin with former FTC economist co-authors Jeremy Sandford and Nathan Wilson, alternating each quarter. The title of this series, “Antitrust Antidote,” while mostly meant to be humorous (perhaps limited...Read More
Welcome to the Latin Antitrust Chronicles – a series covering some of the most relevant developments in competition law in the region. Our comprehensive coverage will include decisions by authorities as well as relevant bills, advocacy efforts, and other initiatives pertinent to the debate. Our contributors alternating each quarter include Marcela Mattiuzzo, former Advisor and...Read More
Welcome to the Latin Antitrust Chronicles – a series covering some of the most relevant developments in competition law in the region. Our comprehensive coverage will include decisions by authorities as well as relevant bills, advocacy efforts, and other initiatives pertinent to the debate. Our contributors alternating each quarter include Marcela Mattiuzzo, former Advisor and...Read More
There were a number of decisions from April-May 2024, covering topics such as (1) the use of the SSNIP test in monopolization (as opposed to merger) cases, which raises the issue of the proper benchmark for the competitive price; (2) the proper methodologies for damages models; and (3) the Noerr-Pennington doctrine’s application to litigation incentive...Read More
There were a number of significant developments from the end of 2023 through the beginning of 2024 covering important (and highly debated) topics, such as: (1) the role of contracting as an alternative to vertical integration when determining whether benefits such as the elimination of double marginalization (EDM) are merger specific; (2) who bears the...Read More